Canadiana Online

The Canadiana collections are the largest online collections of early textual Canadiana in the world and include valuable national documentary heritage that is used for research, teaching, and personal history.

They includes 95,000 titles (19 million pages) of monographs, serials (periodicals, newspapers, and annuals), and government publications.

They also include the Early Canadiana Online collection which consists of 5.8 million pages arranged in thematic sub-collections.

The Héritage collection, developed in partnership with Library and Archives Canada and CRKN, includes 900 collections (41 million pages).

Chronicling the country and its people from the 1600s to the mid-1900s, this collection represents a vast and unique resource for historians, students, and genealogists.

Early Canadiana Online and Héritage ( have their own websites and may be of interest for the themed views of content that they offered (e.g. History of French Canada, Military History, etc.)