Faculty of Arts

IKE 1040 Indigenous Teachings of Turtle Island
Battiste, M. (Ed.). (2017). "Visioning a Mi’kmaw humanities : indigenizing the academy. Cape Breton University Press. Title Page, Table of Content to page 28.
Burnett, K., & Read, G. (2016). Aboriginal history : a reader (Second edition.). Oxford University Press. pp.
UPEI-1020-2 Inquiry Studies (Fall 2023)
Faculty of Arts Library Textbooks

Applied Communication, Leadership and Culture (ACLC)

ACLC-2030-1 : Introduction to Leadership Studies, I. Dorsey & B. Dickieson

Introduction to Leadership : Concepts and Practice by Peter G. Northouse (2021)

Library's available edition: print book, copyright year: 2021

UPEI 1030 [All Sections] University Studies (Fall 2023/Winter 2024)