Faculty of Arts

Political Science 2620 Canadian Politics II (Winter 2025)
History 4340 Madness and Society (Winter 2025)

Sheehan, Susan. Is There No Place on Earth for Me? New York: Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, 2014.

Psychology 2630 Psychology of Music (Winter 2025)
Psychology 2750 Quantitative Analysis (Winter 2025)
Psychology 3330 Ecopsychology (Winter 2025)
Psychology 3820 Cognitive Psychology (Winter 2025)

Klein, Christopher (2023). Essentials of Cognitive Psychology, version 2.0.

Shannon K. Murray Lecture Series

2023, Inaugural lecture: Dickson, Lisa, Shannon Murray, and Jessica Riddell. Shakespeare's guide to hope, life, and learning. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2022. SPEC-ARCH PR2976.D53S53 2023

Sociology 3020 Sociological Theory II (Winter 2025)

Beck, Ulrich and Christoph Lau. 2005. “Second Modernity as a Research Agenda: Theoretical and Empirical Explorations in the ‘Meta-Change’ of Modern Society.”  The British Journal of Sociology 56 (4): 525-557.    

IKE 1040 Indigenous Teachings of Turtle Island
Battiste, M. (Ed.). (2017). "Visioning a Mi’kmaw humanities : indigenizing the academy. Cape Breton University Press. Title Page, Table of Content to page 28.
Burnett, K., & Read, G. (2016). Aboriginal history : a reader (Second edition.). Oxford University Press. pp.
UPEI-1020-2 Inquiry Studies (Fall 2023)
Faculty of Arts Library Textbooks
Permanent reserves material for Faculty of Arts courses
UPEI 1030 [All Sections] University Studies
History 3320: History of Prince Edward Island: Post-Confederation (Winter 2025)

7 January: Confederation

David Weale and Harry Baglole, The Island and Confederation: The End of an Era (Summerside: Williams and Crue, 1973): 79–98, 105–113, 133–145.

Diversity and Social Justice Studies 2750 Social Inequality (Winter 2025)

Ball, J. (2021). The Stacked Deck: An Introduction to Social Inequality (2nd ed.). Oxford University Press. Chapter 1; Chapter 2; Chapter 3

Sociology 2750 Social Inequality (Winter 2025)

Ball, J. (2021). The Stacked Deck: An Introduction to Social Inequality (2nd ed.). Oxford University Press. Chapter 1; Chapter 2; Chapter 3