Collections digitized by UPEI Robertson Library staff. For commercially published digital collections (e.g. ebooks), see Find Books and More.
- Island Archives - the main jumping off point for most of the Library's digital collections.
- Bowing Down Home - an innovative ethnography of Prince Edward Island fiddling.
- BookLives - tracing the people who once owned the books found within UPEI’s Provenance Collection.
- Island Lives - a collection of local histories for PEI, as well as some key publications about Island history.
- Island Magazine - full text access to the Island Magazine (published by the PEI Museum and Heritage Foundation).
- IslandVoices - a collection of folklore and oral history field recordings produced by Reg "Dutch" Thompson, providing a rich history of the Island.
- IslandImagined - over 1,000 high resolution maps of PEI, starting with a map from 1574 attributed to Giacomo Gastaldi and up to the present day.
- IslandNarratives - stories of thirteen Island communities that have been collected and digitized by a team of youth researchers, and including oral history interviews, photographs and documents donated by community members.
- IslandNewspapers - a collection of PEI's historic newspapers, starting with The Guardian and Haszard's Gazette, with new titles being added regularly.
- IslandScholar - a collection of the research output of the University of PEI (including journal articles, dissertations, theses, signature projects), including access to the full text versions of material where available.
- PEI Documents Online - the full text of the Journals of the Legislative Assembly of PEI starting from the 32nd General Assembly (March 1894) to the present day plus biographies of former Members of the Legislative Assembly and a selection of audio recordings.
- Prince of Wales Digital Archive - a collection of images, documents and media reflecting the history of Prince of Wales College, a predecessor institution to UPEI.
- The Red & White - full text access to the campus magazine of St. Dunstan's University (SDU) from 1909 - 1969.
- Saint Dunstan's University - A Decade of Growth: 1954-1964 - a site commemorating the heritage of Saint Dunstan’s and celebrating the ongoing contribution of the SDU community to our University.
- Telling Island Stories - a collaborative community digitization project that facilitates the contribution and curation of historic materials by community members and accessible both from this site and the Telling Island Stories iPad application.
- UPEI Digital Herbarium - a collection of images of the University's digital herbarium collection, plants of PEI.
- UPEI Magazine - full text access to the official University magazine, published from 1983-2004.
If you would like to contribute to the development of the Robertson Library's digital collections (which are freely available to all) please visit our Gift page or contact Donald Moses (, 902-566-0460).
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