Table of Contents Services:
Most of the library's full text journal platforms offer a "table of contents alert" service to send you an email with a journal issue's table of contents as they are published. In all cases, you will need to create a personal/"sign-in" account on that platform. Ask library staff for assistance.
You can create table of contents alerts even for titles that UPEI does not have full text rights for, and use interlibrary loan to request articles.
JournalTOCs - free service providing table of contents email alerts for over 24,000 journals including all of the major academic journal publishers.
OneSearch and EBSCOhost - a 2 min video tutorial on the sequence of steps to create a tables of content alerts. You can also start with Publication Finder and click on an EBSCO database that has "-present" which will put you into the same point as the :52 time in that video.
Proquest provides these instructions. It starts with telling you to go into Publications, which is found in the "hamburger" (three-lines) menu at the top left of any database, eg. CBCA.
Most publisher sites (eg ScienceDirect, Wiley, Sage, Oxford, etc.) will allow you to create journal alerts - as with EBSCO,