Finding Information About Current Affairs: Political Science

Establishing the date an event occurred or locating a summary of a current event can be a useful starting point for researching a topic. The most recent information is available in publications that are designed to provide up-to date coverage of new events in a timely fashion.

Canadian News Facts (1967-2001)
Provides an indexed digest of Canadian current events as reported in major news sources - the Canadian newspapers and the Canadian Press. "Summarizes and indexes developments in Ottawa and the Provincial capitals, news of business and labour, science and the arts, mining and agriculture, religion and education, and many other areas including international relations".

Facts on File (1944-2004)
"Provides a record of the facts of the news as reported in the major newspapers of the United States, Canada, Britain, Australia, and elsewhere in the world. Other material such as government reports and online and Internet news databases provide additional verification and fill in the gaps. Emphasis is on factual content rather than opinion and analysis."

Keesings Contemporary Archives (1948-1986)
Provides a concise summary of major events, modern history and current affairs throughout the world. Each issue has a monthly outline index. A cumulated name index and a cumulated subject index are published as a supplement.

Keesings Record of World Events (1987-2013)
Provides a concise summary of major events, modern history and current affairs throughout the world. Each issue has a monthly outline index. A cumulated name index and a cumulated subject index are published as a supplement.

Keesings World News Archive
Keesings is a searchable collection of world events since 1931. Fulltext is available for the current year, article summaries are available for the past 20 years, and headlines and dates are available back to 1931. For full articles older than the current year, please refer to the print Keesings titles listed above.

Created by: Cathy Callaghan, B.A., M.L.S.
Date Created: 30-June-2000

Reviewed/updated by: Simon Lloyd, B.A., M.L.I.S.
Liaison Librarian, Political Science
Date Revised: 12-December-2013

Not specified