
Covidence is online software for managing the systematic review process. It facilitates the process of screening references (both title/abstract and full-text), conducting data extraction, completing risk of bias analysis and creating a PRISMA flowchart. Request invitation to join University of Prince Edward Island's Covidence account: 

Le Petit Robert (De Marque)

Le Petit Robert is a French dictionary (NOT a French-English translation dictionary)

  • 60 000 mots, 300 000 sens, 185 000 exemples d’emplois [60,000 words, 300,000 definitions, 185,000 usage examples]
  • L’étymologie, la phonétique, les synonymes et contraires, les expressions et proverbes [Etymology, phonetics, synonyms and antonyms, expressions and sayings]
  • 35 000 citations de 1 300 auteurs [35,000 quotations from 1,300 authors]



Docuseek is a streaming video platform.

UPEI does not have a site license, but can obtain annual licenses for specific videos upon request of faculty who need them for a specific course.

Faculty should contact their subject librarian to arrange access to a video if not previously licensed within the last year.

Psychiatry Online

American Psychiatric Association (not to be confused with the American Psychological Association, who publishes the Publication Manual of the APA and PsycINFO) 

UPEI subscribes to the Psychiatry Online (POL) Premium package with the DSM-V add on, which means full text access to the DSM-V including its associated handbooks.

This package is described by the publisher as: