History 3120 Themes & Debates in History (Winter 2024)

Materials Available from the Service Desk

Publication date: 1997.
  • Bracken, Christopher.
  • RESERVES-HOURLY (Available)

Publication date: c1994.
  • Chauncey, George.
  • RESERVES-HOURLY (Available)

Publication date: 1986.
  • Stansell, Christine.
  • RESERVES-HOURLY (Available)

This course introduces students to some of the key theories and debates within current Western historiography (the study of historical writing). History is fundamentally concerned with the analysis of evidence, yet historians often disagree over the interpretation of that evidence and what is considered causally significant. This course will consider major "schools" and concepts of historical analysis that shape how history is interpreted. Topics may include the role of ideas and individuals versus broad economic and social forces; class, gender, race, post-colonialism, post-modernism, oral history, public history, and digital history.

Course Instructor
James Moran