

  • OneSearch is a single search option. Resources currently included in a OneSearch search are: the Library's catalogue (includes books, musical scores, audio recordings, etc.), all EBSCOhost products, all of the full text journals licensed from Elsevier/ScienceDirect, JSTOR, Sage, Wiley, Springer, ACS, IOP, BioOne, and ProjectMuse, many of the specialty historical full text databases (Alexander Street Press), and millions of index-only article and book records from various sources. Some Proquest databases (CBCA, ASFA, PAIS, Philosopher's Index) and Biosis are included but as optional add-ins, using check boxes on the far right of the search results screen.
  • If you don't find what you are looking for in OneSearch, then try searching for the item in a specific database. Best bets for databases are listed below. For print books and physical media (such as CDs, records, and DVDs), you can also search the Library Catalogue.
  • Reserves: Materials on reserve for music courses
  • Proquest Academic Videos Online (AVON) -- check out the "Music & Performing Arts" channel for a wide variety of videos, including complete productions and performances of musical works.
  • Articles: Can be searched through OneSearch or individual databases (under Article Databases on Library's homepage) or using the links listed below:
Not specified